Thursday, October 20, 2022

Multiple attempts to pass the Microsoft Word Practice Form A and B

It was such an exhausting time to complete and get through the practice forms for the MO-100 Exam.

I remember that beautiful day, after my work day, I was full of soooo much energy. By the end of 3 nights, and 7 attempts later, with each attempt that took at least an hour each, I finally completed both practice forms. I spent many hours sitting down in front of my laptop attempting to pass each practice form, and it taught me how important it is to take frequent breaks from studying.

My thought process and memory bank was very exhausted from not taking enough breaks, I ended up not passing my MO-100 exam at my first attempt. I was advised that I had to wait to retake the exam.

After the required time to wait to retake the exam, I was better prepared to retake it. Though I wish I had scored higher, but I at least was able to obtain a passing grade.

Since completing the MO-100 exam, and moving forward into Ch. 5 Excel, I hope the experience in learning and using Excel will be better than going through Microsoft Word.


  1. The number of attempts and the exam score are not important or even visible (it doesn't appear anywhere on your MOS certificate). The fact that you didn't give up and continue to try and improve then reached your goal of passing is far more important!

    Yes, taking frequent breaks from studying and practicing is wise :-)

    Good job on passing the MO-100 Word. With Chapter 4 Word under your belt and better study and practice habits, I think you will find Chapter 5 and MO-200 a better experience ^_^

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Word" X'D Congratulations and thank you for the laugh.

  4. I was crying on the inside when I completed both forms in the same night. It was late and all I wanted to do was sleep, and on top that, I had to complete OTHER stuff on LabSim. Thank God I knocked it all out quick! I didn't score them as high as I wanted to as well, but I was satisfied they were above 80%.

  5. Congratulations on your passing the exam! You are great! Have a good time relaxing, and welcome to the new Chapter!

  6. Congrats Liz!! Your perseverance is admirable.

  7. Taking these exams is stressful and exhausting. I'm glad you did not give up. The important thing is that you passed. I'm sure you'll be better prepared for the Excel exam. Congratulations on passing your MO 100.

  8. Those were tough for me to get through too. All to better ourselves!

  9. Congratulations, I too know that feeling. Hey we get through it. Great job.

  10. Congratulations on passing your MO 100. Breaks are definitely needed in order to study effectively.

  11. Congratulations on passing. I know when I do these long days of study I tend to forget what I learned in the beginning. I will try to do more little by little everyday but my work seems to get in the middle of things. So looks like it s back to one day of 10 hours of study again.

  12. Congrats yay! Studying is one of the best things you can do to pass an exam! I tend to study for about 2-3 hours and write down important details in my notebook.

  13. It took me dozens of attempts on finishing the final practice exams with a high enough score.

  14. These two were difficult for me as well, but it's beneficial to try several times so that you can improve your ability and memorization.

  15. Congrats on getting MO-100!! It took me multiple attempts on the practice exams as well. You got this! MO-200 should be a breeze studying wise for you now!

  16. Congrats on passing, the work always pays off!
