Friday, September 30, 2022

2.8.2 Information System Facts

Basically, a system represents a set of connected parts and procedures that lead to task accomplishment. Information systems' most common and vital components include technology, people, and procedures. Technology complies with hardware, software, and data, where hardware represents the physical features of the computers, such as storage, keyboard, and mouse. While the software defines the computer programs that provide instruction and functions to the hardware, data represents information gathered and stored in the hard disk component. The other component in information systems is the people who are the users of the systems forming a part of the information system. There are numerous types of users, including programmers, administrators, system analysts, security specialists, and many more. Lastly, the procedures make up the final component of the information system, defining the sequence of steps taken to reach the desired goal. All in all, information systems are a combination of technology, people, and procedures utilized in analyzing and storing data.


  1. Often people only see or think of the technology but missed the human/people part or how people use the technology!

    Information System = Technology, people, procedures :-)

    IS101 = Introduction to Information Systems ^_^

  2. I am so glad to be taking this class and learning how to navigate through the computers.

  3. Learning about the computers and uses makes everything come together. I look forward to learning a lot more.

  4. I agree, information systems is more than just technology and procedures, it also includes people.

  5. You made a good point including people (users) as another component to information systems. Reminds of when calling tech support and they say that it was "user error".

  6. Computers did not last very long in the history of human development. But the scientific and technological progress brought by the computer to human beings is incomparable!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I am glad you mentioned people as part of the Information Systems. Without People there would be no technology and or no technological advancements.

  8. Beautiful I fell as if I can just cut and paste this as my notes for this section. Thank you for organizing this in a way that is easily understood.

  9. Very nicely put. Information system is an integral part of today's society. Without humans to operating the systems, they would be of no good use.

  10. I am glad to have taken this course even though I have spent a pretty penny on the latest techbology I still have lots to learn.

  11. Very informative and easy to understand.

  12. I agree with Silvia. This is very nicely put.

  13. I agree with Silvia. This is very nicely put.

  14. See, before I would not know a lick of computer lingo. But now, it is manageable for me to understand. Thank you for sharing!

  15. I'm in the same boat as Shantell. Slowly but surely, I'm getting to understand the basics.

  16. The way you explained this section is absolutely quintessential. Thank you

  17. This class really surprised me with how little I actually knew about the hardware side of computers!

  18. This class is definitely teaching me so much that I didn't know existed.

  19. “The other component in information systems is the people,...” I agree that humans is what make information flow throughout the other systems.

  20. Wonderful and amazing things can be accomplished with technology when all parts are working together in harmony. Unfortunately, the weakest link in that chain is also the most important and that is the human aspect of it and people make mistakes and when they do those mistakes spill over onto the other aspects and that's where things can go very wrong or go very right because some of the worst mistakes can lead to the biggest discoveries.
