Friday, September 23, 2022

1.1.4 Computing History Facts

Computers are some of the most essential and intriguing pieces of technology the world has seen. Its history is brief, only beginning in the early 19th century and entirely revolutionizing the globe during the 20th century when it began solving real-world problems with more ease and effectiveness. In the 19th century, mathematicians and entrepreneurs were grasping the edges of the concept of building machines designed for increasingly complex number challenges. It all began with Jacquard in the early 1800s, who invented a loom that used punched wooden cards to automatically make fabric designs, to mathematician Babbage who conceived a steam-driven calculating engine. But it was not until the mid-1900s that the first computer was invented, following keyboards and computer mouse to the first video game. Many would agree that technological advancement has facilitated the exponential growth in technology. Compared to 19th-century computers’ designs, they would not even seem related bearing the number crushing functions and the mordent day complex functions such as running games, surfing the net, etc.


  1. Computers have come a long way!

    Some people consider the first computing device to be the abacus :-)

    I remember when I was a college student, some say computing devices are becoming more communicating devices instead of computing (calculating) devices.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the 60's and 70's only the rich and companies used computers. Then came Nintendo, Sega and off we went into the computer world. What were we missing?

  4. Thank you for sharing this history of computers. I did not know that about Jacquard in the 1800s and how he invented an automated punch cards to speed up the process of fabric designs.

  5. Computers have evolved over time and I’m so happy that they have. I can’t wait to see the changes in the years to come.

  6. I remember back in the day when the first computers in school back in the 80's and it was a triangle thing on screen that we had to make shapes with and went something like... repeat 4 [forward 50 rt 90] don't remember the exact formula but it still stuck in my head.

  7. Yes computers have really come a long way. My kids think that computers have been around and available to the public for longer than they have; they don't believe that when I was in school I had to hand write essays and research papers, AND go to the library to read books for my research paper because there was no such thing as Google yet.

  8. The invention of the computer was a qualitative leap in human history. It's hard to imagine what it would be like if we lived in a world without computers.

  9. Computers have definitely come a long way. It's hard to imagine where we would be right now if we didn't have computers.

  10. The computer history does go back a long way. I remember reading information on the Abacus as being the first kind of computer as Mr. Wu mentioned. Of course it did not run on electricity, rather it ran on the human mind.

  11. I learned something new and enjoyed reading this. ^_ ^

  12. It is amazing how fast technology advanced over the last 50 years from when computers had their own dedicated rooms to what we have now of the entire world at our fingertips.

  13. I remember the spinning wheel of death when I used computers as a child! Nowadays, I rarely see it. Technology still has a long way to go and I'm so impressed with how dedicated people are to produce next level concepts.

  14. The evolution overtime is absolutely stunning. It's amazing to think that most of our smartphones today can do so much more and are much faster than the Mac in my high school's library! Very fascinating topic.

  15. Computers have really came a long way! I see movies that show earlier models of the computers we know and love today. Evolution at its finest!

  16. Humanity has been out doing themselves with upgrading our computer technology. Every year it seems like something even more amazing is about to hit the market and restructure the way we go about our daily lives.

  17. Super cool to think about how far modern technology has come, who knows what the future will bring!

  18. It's amazing how far technology has come. I remember while growing up I saw my grandparents still having/using their typewriters.

  19. Nobody would have imagined technology could advance to this point, which I find to be extremely interesting. And who knows what lies in store for us in the future.

  20. To me another amazing thing about computers is it seems like despite the facts that they can do exponentially more than early computers is how much smaller and compact they are as well.
