Monday, September 12, 2022

My first week in class

I must admit that this class has exceeded my expectations. I've never had a teacher so care about the success of his students. I've no taken computer classes for many years, and honestly I was scared, I had many questions in my mind about What will your class be like? Will I have a good professor who knows how to develop his class in an easy and understandable way?. But all my questions were answered with his support and commitment. Sometimes, I've thought he will lose his patience with me since English is not my native language and I need to improve my listening. I will share something of my personal life. I started studying English at CSN for a year and then, I decided to study a business degree, and it was the beginning of my wonderful journey of having a career, but at the same time, it was the beginning of the worst nightmare of my life since my mother passed away starting my first semester at college. It was there that I asked myself, how can I continue if the most valuable person of my life gone? How can I stay focus if my greatest motivation is just gone? Do you guys know what I had to deal with?. I had to deal with the first year of studying at college. When the pandemic started all my classes were online, I had to learn to be more organized and disciplined to be able to pass my classes successfully. But above all to get an unbreakable strength to be able to continue despite my pain and my fears. Now that I'm so close to finishing my business degree, I'm proud of myself and although I'm still in my grieving process having a professor like Mr. Wu helps me a lot because if sometime I've felt sad and I remember my mom, I receive a text message from Mr. Wu to help me with some homework and I no longer have time to cry or be sad again. In conclusion, I can dare to say that having a good teacher has not only helped me in this class, but also in my grieving process.


  1. Glad to hear my caring about your success exceeded your expectations in the first week of class ^_^

    My condolence for the loss of your mom. The pain will lessen with time but never fully disappear as your love for her will never fade away.

    At the first semester at college? The fact that you didn't quit and even rode through the shelter-at-home order are indicators of your strength!

    Now you are close to earning your business degree. I'm glad my constant communication is helping with your grieving process :-)

  2. My sincerest condolences on the loss of your mother. Believe me, I know what that is like. You should be proud of yourself, you've come a long way despite your emotional distress. By the way, I really like your bookcase background.

  3. My first impression of Professor Wu is that he cares about his students passing the course but if you put in no effort on your part he wont care if you drop.

  4. My condolences to you. I've also lost someone a year ago (stepfather) and now I have to step up to the plate to take care of my mother. Its not easy, but makes us stronger. You got this, you already showed how strong you are, continuing your college journey and your career. The finish line is near.

  5. My condolences for the loss of your mom. Mr. Wu definitely cares. You got this!

  6. My condolences for the loss of your Mother. Professor Wu genuinely cares about each and everyone of his students and wants to help them succeed in life not just his class.

  7. I am so proud of you and I am sure so many others are too. I am truly sincerely sorry about what you've been through. I can not begin to imagine what you must have felt. You are one of the reasons why the first part of my recent post was about how motivational you all are.

  8. I quite understand your feeling because English is not my native language either. But I firmly believe that you can adjust your time and mentality. We work together! Get the class!

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I believe you are a very strong individual with a beautiful spirit to keep on going after what you were put through. Spanish was not my first language actually, English was. So, learning a new language is tough and I understand what you mean exactly. Hopefully, you and I can get the hang of learning new languages. Blessings to you!

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. Also Professor Wu truly cares deeply about each and everyone of us. You will succeed this semester.

  11. My condolences to you and your family. As you navigate your way through obtaining your degree, you're building a legacy that is most special to you to think back on years from now. Struggling is difficult and scary, but it can be overcome!

  12. I don't like sharing personal information online. Your heart resonates with each keystroke that you made, and your message was extremely impactful, so much so that it got me to be willing to share what I am about to share next. Liz Vilchez the loss of my mother last year was the shock I needed in order to wake me up from depression. I like to think it is her spirit that fuels me to keep moving forward. Thank you for sharing Liz and I just wanted to let you know you are appreciated. Once more thank you for posting.

  13. I wouldn't publish personal information online, as someone else stated in a comment, but the fact that you had the bravery to do so really captures the essence of who you are, courageous. Although I'm incredibly delighted you continue, I'm sorry for your loss. Even if I might not experience this particular emotion, I can still relate to stories like this one, which warms my heart. Just know that I'm happy that you will soon receive your degree; keep up the good job.

  14. Oh Liz, I'm so sorry you loss your mother. I can't imagine what's that like. I find it very admirable that you have the courage and strength to keep going.

  15. Sorry to hear about your mom. One thing is for sure Professor Wu. will definitely help you to stay on course. Everyone is here to help.

  16. My condolences to you. Professor Wu cares about everyone and will definitely help you.

  17. This entire blog entry is spot on amazing. It feels like you wrote this from the thoughts of my mind. Thank you for sharing this. It's comforting to know other feel as I do.

  18. My condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing this I know its not easy, just remember your mom is always with you in spirt.

  19. Definitely rooting for you! On any given day we can wake up and decide to turn our pain into progress.

  20. My condolences on the loss of your mom, I know how feel I lost my mom right before the pandemic and it was devasting especially with getting put on lockdown so after I felt very alone and lost, even though she is gone, she is still a big motivator for me to be better and get better, which is a part of why I chose to go to school again and make some changes in my life. I wish you good luck in your endeavors. I can't say it's going to get better, but it does get a little easier.
