Saturday, September 3, 2022

My first impression

My first impression is how Albert Wu is very helpful with his students. His support makes me feel confident in the classroom. The support he gives is something that I have not felt with other professors. 


  1. Very glad to hear my support make you feel confident in the classroom ^_^

    You may see such support from other professors throughout the semester.

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Liz :-)

  2. Liz, this class is without a doubt different. Mr. Wu's expectations are very clear and refreshing.

  3. He is definitely not like any other professor I have come across within this last year of college. Some of my professors have come close but he is currently top of the list for me right now. We would all be lucky to run into another professor that cares as much as he does.

  4. I can say this about Professor Wu , he is like a doctor who cares about his patients and wants them to succeed in his class. This should be a fun semester.

  5. I am as confident and hopeful about this course as you are. As long as we finish the task assigned by the professor on time, I think we will pass the exam successfully.

  6. Professor Wu has placed his students level of knowledge up way above what most other teachers do.

  7. I completely agree with you on how Professor Wu is very helpful with all of his students. When I took his Fall 2019 course, he went above and beyond to help me when I struggled a lot until I ended up dropping out due to personal reasons.

  8. Professor Wu seems to be great teacher who cares about his students. We all will do well.

  9. 100% Professor Wu wants us to be our very best selves and to succeed in this class. It is my first year in college but I have never had an instructor so eager to motivate students into being successful.

  10. IS101 is definitely one of the courses I'm the most scared of this semester because it requires me to be on top of things unlike my other classes where we're given either a 1 or 2-week period to complete something. But Professor Wu is very helpful and supportive in getting things done correctly!

  11. I like your theme choices Liz, I look forward to seeing your page grow. Its vary calming and has an air of mystification.

  12. I also agree that having a teacher who genuinely cares makes all the difference!

  13. Every professor is unique in some aspect, but some are even more accommodating and friendly than others, as Mr. Wu undoubtedly made us all feel.

  14. Hey Liz, it is true, this is one of a kind class. Mr. Wu is extraordinary in his method of teaching.

  15. Mr. Wu is very helpful and he will help us as long as we want to succeed.

  16. I appreciate that he let's us stay after class to work on catching up or just hang out. I think that having a small class definitely helps with the one-on-one attention.

    1. Thank you for recognizing and taking advantage of my practice of staying until the final student leaves the classroom ^_^

  17. I can definitely say as someone that has going for a second degree, I haven't had a teacher like Mr. Wu before. One that lets you know he is here to show you the information, but not spoon feed it to you, yet will guide you to make sure you understand what he is presenting.

  18. I definitely agree with you he's been so helpful and patient.

  19. You have spoken my mind on this subject and I can only appreciate his efforts. Kudos to him
