Friday, November 11, 2022

First Halloween Party since I've settled in Las Vegas

 Since I have settled in Las Vegas from 8 years ago, I just recently celebrated my first Halloween party since I arrived from Lima, Peru. This year my costume was a traveling gypsy. It was an eventful night of fun, dancing, and listening to music. The party was held at the house of my long time friend of 23 years. I enjoyed the party because a variety of music was being played all night. I usually don't attend parties that are overly extreme. I much rather attend parties with invitations instead of going to a club scene type of party. There was also a variety of food that was prepared for everyone, especially the brains and fingers that were served. A lot of the attendees of the party came with costumes that had themes, especially the Egyptian couple that attended looked great. The host had a drawing of the best costume of the night, in which the old lady baby won the night. There was also some choreographed dancing, shown below is a Filipino dance called Ocho Ocho, it was ultimately a fun and great night. After the party, my feet was hurting so much from all the dancing and my face and stomach was sore from all the laughing I did. 


  1. The old lady baby won? I think the traveling gypsy should have won :-)

    "...feet was hurting so much from all the dancing..." and "...face and stomach was sore from all the laughing..", sounds like you had a great time ^_^

  2. My first Halloween on a day off was this year. I've worked all the previous Halloween days but this time my "day off" fell on the 31st.

  3. Sounds like a ton of fun. Pictures look great. You gotta love the fingers and brains.

  4. The party looked like it was so much fun. The last time I dressed up for a Halloween party was about 9 years ago.

  5. After looking at your photos, I'm sure it will be a fascinating Party. I'm sure these photos will keep our memories alive.

  6. Looks like you had lots of fun Liz! You looked great in your costume! Hopefully next year's party will be even more fun!

  7. The last Halloween party I attended was on a boat tour on Lake Michigan. I wore a custom made costume made by myself. I won't say the name, but I was in a box being carried by a former president. It was the most fun I had before leaving Chicago the previous year. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and I do miss it. You seem to have had an amazing time. All the costumes look great.

  8. Nice pictures. Looks like you had lots of fun.

  9. The party looked like it was so much fun. I enjoyed looking at the pictures you shared. It gave me a better idea of what the food looked like after I read "brains and fingers".

  10. Thank you for sharing It fells so lively, I'm glad you got some time to unwind and I wonder how long that dance took to get down.

  11. Love Halloween. Especially when we get to dress up at work. The look on the guest face to see you all dressed up and shocked on how much effort and time we put into it is the best feeling.

  12. The brains and sausage fingers look very on-theme. I'm FIlipino and I literally never knew there was choreographed dancing for Ocho Ocho! You learn something new every day :) The old lady baby costume is so hilarious; she literally stands out with all the white and colorful props she's wearing compared to everyone's dark clothes.

  13. It sounded like a good time. The ancient lady baby costume is just fantastic. What a blast that party must have been, I can only imagine!
