Friday, November 4, 2022

New Year's Resolution

The season is upon us where we all decide what we will do for the following year. I have been interested in learning a new language, for example Mandarin or French. I am already taking 4 classes and to add another class would make my school schedule more challenging. Its already challenging to get ahead in my classes, let alone start a new year's resolution. It would be wonderful if I could get tutored for free. I don't have a lot of extra time on my plate, but adding another language under my belt would be nice. Learning another language could also help with my career. In my experience, I have met an individual who spoke 7 different languages, ranging from European to Asian dialects. When I graduate with my bachelors degree, I hope to have added another language to my knowledge bank.


  1. Learning a new language is exciting, challenging, and practical :-)

    So by the image you chose, this is not your first time attempting to learn Chinese?

  2. I am sure you will succeed. Your study drive is sure to put you ahead of the class. I believe you can speak multiple languages!

  3. Learning a new language can be difficult but I believe you will do great.

  4. Being bilingual or multilingual has many benefits. I am multilingual at the moment. Fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I learned Portuguese through an app called Duolingo. When I get free time, I work on learning Turkish. Because I carry Native American blood, my next language will be Navajo which is considered an endangered language. I recommend you try it out. It is free and you can do it at your own pace.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My goals include learning a new language, too! I learned a bit of Spanish and Tagalog, and I've been learning Korean slowly since last year, but I put it off due to my school schedule. I'm also planning to study abroad in South Korea too by Spring 2024 after I transfer to UNLV :) Research is very important when it comes to finding the right resources to guide you well and I'm so happy to know I'm not the only one who's actively learning/looking into new languages.

  7. I love that you are interested in learning a new language. I would like to do the same. I have such a fascination with Japanese or Korean.

  8. This is such a great goal to have Liz! Being multilingual will definitely help you progress in your career.

  9. Learning a new language is difficult when your not directly in that country to have it and people who speak it accessible at all times.

  10. Keep at it! I want to learn Japanese.

  11. Another Language is awesome. Love the drive and ambition.

  12. Learning a new language is tough, but I believe you can do it.

  13. I would like to learn a new language but there are so many which one would you start with?

  14. It is tough to learn a new language. I think French is somewhat comparable to Spanish, so it shouldn't be too difficult for someone who speaks Spanish to learn it.
