Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Me and my never ending thirst for knowledge

I have a new income venture that has taken a lot of my time. This venture has taken so much time that I don't have time for myself as much anymore. I have been working many hours from day time to night time. I am amazed at myself that I have been able to complete much of my school work. I trust and believe that I complete my assignments to the best of my ability whether the solutions are correct or not. I endlessly overthink whether my school work is fully complete or just gibberish trying to get by. To keep my physical health up to date, I purchased a new batch of supplements for my everyday calorie intake. 

What are your thoughts on expanding your knowledge? For me, it can be mentally stressful at times. The results are not always complementary, but it's worth the time and effort. Though I may be quiet in class, I am very observant. I don't have many in person classes, so I try to absorb as much as I can when I do attend. I am in no way perfect, because trust me, I forget a lot of things I read and hear from class. 

So as we come close to ending the semester, how do you rate your thirst of knowledge after attending IS101? Please be discretionary. Just kidding. 


  1. Congrats on your new income venture ^_^

    Glad to hear you are taking care of your physical health :-)

    I definitely like to acquire new knowledge and put new knowledge to good use!

  2. New income is great for anyone.

    I hope it pays off in the long run

    My thirst for knowledge is never-ending and will not cease after IS-101.

  3. My thirst for knowledge is never ending. I always say, you learn something new everyday and it is a fact that you do. No matter what you are doing you are learning something new all the time.

  4. LOL I love the meme. I am definitely taking a break after this semester. I am still very much thirsty for knowledge as I am considering jumping into trucking in the coming month or two. Wish me luck!

  5. LOL I love the meme. I am definitely taking a break after this semester. I am still very much thirsty for knowledge as I am considering jumping into trucking in the coming month or two. Wish me luck!

  6. LOL I love the meme. I am definitely taking a break after this semester. I am still very much thirsty for knowledge as I am considering jumping into trucking in the coming month or two. Wish me luck!

  7. LOL I love the meme. I am definitely taking a break after this semester. I am still very much thirsty for knowledge as I am considering jumping into trucking in the coming month or two. Wish me luck!

  8. LOL I love the meme. I am definitely taking a break after this semester. I am still very much thirsty for knowledge as I am considering jumping into trucking in the coming month or two. Wish me luck!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. IS101 is definitely the right course for me in CSN. Then I got chance to know you , Juan, Tiffany, Saul, and Brian!

  11. "I endlessly overthink whether my school work is fully complete or just gibberish trying to get by." This is exactly how I felt last night as I turned in my political science homework - did I answer the question correctly, or did I just put a bunch of words together?

    I like to think that I'm like a sponge, always learning new things. And when I get constructive criticism, I try to learn from it and become better.

  12. If I could I would spend all my days just learning. When I was a kid I often thought what I would like to do for income and I always thought I would love it if someone would just pay me to learn, that my days be filled with nothing but the pursuit of knowledge. Classes are pricy, but a part of me still holds onto that child like dream of mine. As for my thoughts currently, the me that is the me typing this post today; wishes to pursue the knowledge necessary to develop themselves into an apt leader capable of taking on all challenges.

  13. When it comes to expanding knowledge, I have to be in the right mind space. I just can't sit in a chair and force myself to pay attention because I just zone out and lose interest altogether.

    For instance, when I read everyone's weekly blog posts, I don't respond right away. I take the first read to familiarize myself, and when I go back to that post a few days later, I actually read it over again to really comprehend, which I can then respond to with a well thought out comment :) in a way, I view that as expanding my knowledge about people because I learn a bit about everyone from their blogs.

    The same can be applied to schoolwork or just lengthy learning experiences, such as learning a foreign language. Some things can be easier to tackle when you go over it once, twice, or maybe forever if you forget a lot like me :P

  14. Congratulations on your new venture. I hope it is successful. Knowledge at any point is always valuable. Keep up the good work.

  15. I wish you the best in your new business venture. I want to continue learning as much as possible. IS101 has definitely helped me tremendously, I'm going to miss our class and webex meetings with Professor Wu.

  16. Heard the saying, " you learn something new everyday". Knowledge is power, Knowing a little about everything is great but then again your a master of none. I am always grateful to learn more and more of everything. I am so glad I have taken this class cause I am MOS Certified.
