Sunday, December 11, 2022

6.3.2 Text Formatting

 Text formatting is very important in a PPT. The creator must take time to think be careful of what is presented. A presentation without methodical formatting is like reading a plain text book. Learning about the many functions in PPT has been fun. When I update my presentation I will do my best to make it look great. 


  1. Yes, text formatting is a first step toward professionalism -- not just in PowerPoint ^_^

  2. It can add that extra bit of *style* to a presentation, thank you for highlighting the importance of this topic Liz.

  3. The chapter on Text Formatting is really interesting. I also learned a lot of practical knowledge here.

  4. I agree with you Liz, text formatting is essential and can make a tremendous impact on the outcome of a presentation as well as the content, and how it is formatted for readability.

  5. When viewing a PPT presentation, I appreciate when the presenter keeps the text formatting consistent throughout the presentation. I find it distracting when the text on one slide are all different fonts, sizes, and colors; unless it's being used to emphasis something, then that I understand.

  6. Text formatting can make or break a presentation as Professor Wu has covered several times during the individual PowerPoint presentations during class.

  7. Yes, every tool that I learned about in PowerPoint will be very useful in the future. We have the option to use text formatting to make a presentation clearer and more professional.

  8. So many ways to format and make your presentation your own with PowerPoint. It is definitely a fun program.

  9. "A presentation without methodical formatting is like reading a plain text book." Exactly! As an audience member, I really pay attention to how appealing the presentation is when reading. I took that in mind when making my own PowerPoint slideshow presentation to capture interest.

  10. Glad we got to know what it takes to make things look professional. My grammar still needs work but in due time.
