Friday, September 30, 2022

2.8.2 Information System Facts

Basically, a system represents a set of connected parts and procedures that lead to task accomplishment. Information systems' most common and vital components include technology, people, and procedures. Technology complies with hardware, software, and data, where hardware represents the physical features of the computers, such as storage, keyboard, and mouse. While the software defines the computer programs that provide instruction and functions to the hardware, data represents information gathered and stored in the hard disk component. The other component in information systems is the people who are the users of the systems forming a part of the information system. There are numerous types of users, including programmers, administrators, system analysts, security specialists, and many more. Lastly, the procedures make up the final component of the information system, defining the sequence of steps taken to reach the desired goal. All in all, information systems are a combination of technology, people, and procedures utilized in analyzing and storing data.

Friday, September 23, 2022

1.1.4 Computing History Facts

Computers are some of the most essential and intriguing pieces of technology the world has seen. Its history is brief, only beginning in the early 19th century and entirely revolutionizing the globe during the 20th century when it began solving real-world problems with more ease and effectiveness. In the 19th century, mathematicians and entrepreneurs were grasping the edges of the concept of building machines designed for increasingly complex number challenges. It all began with Jacquard in the early 1800s, who invented a loom that used punched wooden cards to automatically make fabric designs, to mathematician Babbage who conceived a steam-driven calculating engine. But it was not until the mid-1900s that the first computer was invented, following keyboards and computer mouse to the first video game. Many would agree that technological advancement has facilitated the exponential growth in technology. Compared to 19th-century computers’ designs, they would not even seem related bearing the number crushing functions and the mordent day complex functions such as running games, surfing the net, etc.

Monday, September 12, 2022

My first week in class

I must admit that this class has exceeded my expectations. I've never had a teacher so care about the success of his students. I've no taken computer classes for many years, and honestly I was scared, I had many questions in my mind about What will your class be like? Will I have a good professor who knows how to develop his class in an easy and understandable way?. But all my questions were answered with his support and commitment. Sometimes, I've thought he will lose his patience with me since English is not my native language and I need to improve my listening. I will share something of my personal life. I started studying English at CSN for a year and then, I decided to study a business degree, and it was the beginning of my wonderful journey of having a career, but at the same time, it was the beginning of the worst nightmare of my life since my mother passed away starting my first semester at college. It was there that I asked myself, how can I continue if the most valuable person of my life gone? How can I stay focus if my greatest motivation is just gone? Do you guys know what I had to deal with?. I had to deal with the first year of studying at college. When the pandemic started all my classes were online, I had to learn to be more organized and disciplined to be able to pass my classes successfully. But above all to get an unbreakable strength to be able to continue despite my pain and my fears. Now that I'm so close to finishing my business degree, I'm proud of myself and although I'm still in my grieving process having a professor like Mr. Wu helps me a lot because if sometime I've felt sad and I remember my mom, I receive a text message from Mr. Wu to help me with some homework and I no longer have time to cry or be sad again. In conclusion, I can dare to say that having a good teacher has not only helped me in this class, but also in my grieving process.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

My first impression

My first impression is how Albert Wu is very helpful with his students. His support makes me feel confident in the classroom. The support he gives is something that I have not felt with other professors.