Sunday, December 11, 2022

6.3.2 Text Formatting

 Text formatting is very important in a PPT. The creator must take time to think be careful of what is presented. A presentation without methodical formatting is like reading a plain text book. Learning about the many functions in PPT has been fun. When I update my presentation I will do my best to make it look great. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Me and my never ending thirst for knowledge

I have a new income venture that has taken a lot of my time. This venture has taken so much time that I don't have time for myself as much anymore. I have been working many hours from day time to night time. I am amazed at myself that I have been able to complete much of my school work. I trust and believe that I complete my assignments to the best of my ability whether the solutions are correct or not. I endlessly overthink whether my school work is fully complete or just gibberish trying to get by. To keep my physical health up to date, I purchased a new batch of supplements for my everyday calorie intake. 

What are your thoughts on expanding your knowledge? For me, it can be mentally stressful at times. The results are not always complementary, but it's worth the time and effort. Though I may be quiet in class, I am very observant. I don't have many in person classes, so I try to absorb as much as I can when I do attend. I am in no way perfect, because trust me, I forget a lot of things I read and hear from class. 

So as we come close to ending the semester, how do you rate your thirst of knowledge after attending IS101? Please be discretionary. Just kidding. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

An Uneventful Night of Laughs

 Success is like a mile away. But for me right now, seems like it is a100 miles away. I thought success would be on the horizon, as I approached the completion of all the exercises going into taking the MO-200 exam. 

It took multiple attempts through the LabSim and challenges just to get a complete understanding and move forward. My hair was literally falling out from stressing over each attempt. I kept my head high as I saw the finish line coming, as I was mentally preparing to take MO-200.

Prior to taking my first attempt at the MO-200 exam, it was long evening. The evening began when I first went to the Luxor casino to take photos for PHO-101. As I casually walked through the casino floor, I was distracted by a timeshare sales representative. The sales representative offered an interesting deal and requested to see my ID, at the time I did not know why. After a few minutes of conversating, I eventually had to leave, as I was done taking photos. 

I was hungry and I had a craving for some hot soup. I decided to try a place I haven't tried yet. I went to Shokku Ramen in Chinatown on Spring Mountain. After checking in with host, it took a long while to get seated. Even after getting seated, it took a long while to get my order placed. After a long wait for my ramen, it was all worth it. The portions were fairly large and I couldn't finish all the food I ordered, so I took to-go to take home. 

During my meal, I received a message from Mr. Wu regarding to take the MO-200 exam. From here, I replied that after I finish my meal I will take the exam once I got home. So after paying for my meal and getting into the car, I then realized that I did not have my ID on me after looking in my wallet. I took a moment to retrace my steps. I remember that the sales representative from the time share place inside the Luxor, the representative did not give my ID back. I suddenly was in shock and I rushed back to the Luxor. When I arrived back at the Luxor, I immediately started to look for the sales representative that distracted me. At this point my hair started falling out again, as I was stressing out that I lost my ID. After realizing that the employees had gone home for the day, instead of playing it safe, I started to investigate and search the desk of the employees. I did not want to waste time because I did not want Mr. Wu to fall asleep before I took my MO-200 exam. I started to feel embarrassed because people on the slot machines were looking at me as I was searching through the employees desk for my ID. I came to realize that I was wasting time searching through the employees desk. I decided to visit the security desk. I was relieved after I spoke with the officer when he showed me that my ID was in their lost and found. 

An hour has passed since my last message with Mr. Wu and I thought he fell asleep before proctoring my exam. You might have guessed it, Mr. Wu was not asleep at all. Mr. Wu was able to proctor my MO-200 exam.

By this time it was late at night to take my MO-200 exam and I mentally thought I was prepared. I assure you, I was not prepared at all. I was very confident when the exam was in front of me, I clearly had success in my mind and I had no doubt I was going to get an 800 or above on the first try. 

An hour later, after the exhausting exam, with my thoughts held high my confidence was shut down as I failed. I was not able to have any after thoughts because I feeling lethargic after having an awesome meal at Shokku Ramen. So with my thoughts still held high, I just went to sleep.

The next day, 24 hours later, before the hour of my 2nd attempt, I was reviewing all the material I could remember. I felt more confident on the second attempt because I remembered where I may have went wrong. I corrected my thoughts as I went through the exam once again. It was a struggle but I had my coffee ready so that I wouldn't feel lethargic and mentally tired. I was able to answer the exam portions where I knew the answer easily. I marked the questions I did not know immediately. I went through the exam faster because the answers came to me naturally. With finishing faster, I was able to review the questions I marked. I had an extra few minutes to methodically think about the answers on the questions that I marked. After feeling confident about my current answers on the second attempt, I finally submitted it with confidence. As you may have guessed, I FAILED!!

Just kidding. I was able to pass MO-200 exam with 750/1000 points. 

Friday, November 11, 2022

First Halloween Party since I've settled in Las Vegas

 Since I have settled in Las Vegas from 8 years ago, I just recently celebrated my first Halloween party since I arrived from Lima, Peru. This year my costume was a traveling gypsy. It was an eventful night of fun, dancing, and listening to music. The party was held at the house of my long time friend of 23 years. I enjoyed the party because a variety of music was being played all night. I usually don't attend parties that are overly extreme. I much rather attend parties with invitations instead of going to a club scene type of party. There was also a variety of food that was prepared for everyone, especially the brains and fingers that were served. A lot of the attendees of the party came with costumes that had themes, especially the Egyptian couple that attended looked great. The host had a drawing of the best costume of the night, in which the old lady baby won the night. There was also some choreographed dancing, shown below is a Filipino dance called Ocho Ocho, it was ultimately a fun and great night. After the party, my feet was hurting so much from all the dancing and my face and stomach was sore from all the laughing I did. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

New Year's Resolution

The season is upon us where we all decide what we will do for the following year. I have been interested in learning a new language, for example Mandarin or French. I am already taking 4 classes and to add another class would make my school schedule more challenging. Its already challenging to get ahead in my classes, let alone start a new year's resolution. It would be wonderful if I could get tutored for free. I don't have a lot of extra time on my plate, but adding another language under my belt would be nice. Learning another language could also help with my career. In my experience, I have met an individual who spoke 7 different languages, ranging from European to Asian dialects. When I graduate with my bachelors degree, I hope to have added another language to my knowledge bank.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

5.2.1 Spreadsheet Basics

 Before getting into chapter 5, Excel has always been a daunting tool to learn. So far, the lessons have been easy to do and learn. The spreadsheet basic lessons was more than I expected, because when I was in high school, using Excel did not seem this difficult. 

So far, relearning the basics has been a fun experience, since I don't use Excel often. Going through the basic lessons has been a breeze. I wish the lessons in Excel was as easy this chapter. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Multiple attempts to pass the Microsoft Word Practice Form A and B

It was such an exhausting time to complete and get through the practice forms for the MO-100 Exam.

I remember that beautiful day, after my work day, I was full of soooo much energy. By the end of 3 nights, and 7 attempts later, with each attempt that took at least an hour each, I finally completed both practice forms. I spent many hours sitting down in front of my laptop attempting to pass each practice form, and it taught me how important it is to take frequent breaks from studying.

My thought process and memory bank was very exhausted from not taking enough breaks, I ended up not passing my MO-100 exam at my first attempt. I was advised that I had to wait to retake the exam.

After the required time to wait to retake the exam, I was better prepared to retake it. Though I wish I had scored higher, but I at least was able to obtain a passing grade.

Since completing the MO-100 exam, and moving forward into Ch. 5 Excel, I hope the experience in learning and using Excel will be better than going through Microsoft Word.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

4.12 - Using Office Collaboration Features

Office collaboration features present some of the most intriguing significances. Veterans agree that collaboration features such as comments and track changes are extremely useful when sharing files with multiple users or authors. Comments allow individuals to weigh in on a document without altering the original content expressing opinions and views concerning the topics addressed in the documents. At the same time, tracking features allow users to track changes made to the documents by keeping a record of what is made and the specific authors that initiated the changes. Generally, the collaboration features are some of the most important tools in offering interactivity, making it easier to work with others.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

3.1.7 Common Office Application Features

Office is one of the most revolutionary software on the globe. Many agree that it guarantees ease of use, accessibility, interactivity, and high adaptability across multiple platforms and operating systems. For us students, Office enables us to efficiently establish and develop written reports for school assignments and other academic documents while establishing office technical skills. This potentially boosts students' employability and career prospects as well as helps individuals manage their finances through its excel features. Also, the Office program is praised as it enables ease of collaboration and communication in an organization set-up which optimizes firms effectivity at a good price. As a result, full understanding and subscribing to Office implies countless benefits, as noted.  

Friday, September 30, 2022

2.8.2 Information System Facts

Basically, a system represents a set of connected parts and procedures that lead to task accomplishment. Information systems' most common and vital components include technology, people, and procedures. Technology complies with hardware, software, and data, where hardware represents the physical features of the computers, such as storage, keyboard, and mouse. While the software defines the computer programs that provide instruction and functions to the hardware, data represents information gathered and stored in the hard disk component. The other component in information systems is the people who are the users of the systems forming a part of the information system. There are numerous types of users, including programmers, administrators, system analysts, security specialists, and many more. Lastly, the procedures make up the final component of the information system, defining the sequence of steps taken to reach the desired goal. All in all, information systems are a combination of technology, people, and procedures utilized in analyzing and storing data.

Friday, September 23, 2022

1.1.4 Computing History Facts

Computers are some of the most essential and intriguing pieces of technology the world has seen. Its history is brief, only beginning in the early 19th century and entirely revolutionizing the globe during the 20th century when it began solving real-world problems with more ease and effectiveness. In the 19th century, mathematicians and entrepreneurs were grasping the edges of the concept of building machines designed for increasingly complex number challenges. It all began with Jacquard in the early 1800s, who invented a loom that used punched wooden cards to automatically make fabric designs, to mathematician Babbage who conceived a steam-driven calculating engine. But it was not until the mid-1900s that the first computer was invented, following keyboards and computer mouse to the first video game. Many would agree that technological advancement has facilitated the exponential growth in technology. Compared to 19th-century computers’ designs, they would not even seem related bearing the number crushing functions and the mordent day complex functions such as running games, surfing the net, etc.

Monday, September 12, 2022

My first week in class

I must admit that this class has exceeded my expectations. I've never had a teacher so care about the success of his students. I've no taken computer classes for many years, and honestly I was scared, I had many questions in my mind about What will your class be like? Will I have a good professor who knows how to develop his class in an easy and understandable way?. But all my questions were answered with his support and commitment. Sometimes, I've thought he will lose his patience with me since English is not my native language and I need to improve my listening. I will share something of my personal life. I started studying English at CSN for a year and then, I decided to study a business degree, and it was the beginning of my wonderful journey of having a career, but at the same time, it was the beginning of the worst nightmare of my life since my mother passed away starting my first semester at college. It was there that I asked myself, how can I continue if the most valuable person of my life gone? How can I stay focus if my greatest motivation is just gone? Do you guys know what I had to deal with?. I had to deal with the first year of studying at college. When the pandemic started all my classes were online, I had to learn to be more organized and disciplined to be able to pass my classes successfully. But above all to get an unbreakable strength to be able to continue despite my pain and my fears. Now that I'm so close to finishing my business degree, I'm proud of myself and although I'm still in my grieving process having a professor like Mr. Wu helps me a lot because if sometime I've felt sad and I remember my mom, I receive a text message from Mr. Wu to help me with some homework and I no longer have time to cry or be sad again. In conclusion, I can dare to say that having a good teacher has not only helped me in this class, but also in my grieving process.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

My first impression

My first impression is how Albert Wu is very helpful with his students. His support makes me feel confident in the classroom. The support he gives is something that I have not felt with other professors.